The official announcement for the Paralympic dressage team has been made.? LoLu and I are in and headed for London.? There are no words for the size of my grin right now.? Ginormous still isn?t adequate.? We are on full horsey rundown until we leave on August 12th for ?boot camp? in Gladstone.? Lists must be made, equipment prepped and packed, Lolu pampered and praised, and of course, hard work and training.? I had my last day of work yesterday until after the Games!? The great team and customers there gave me a warm and fabulous send-off. ?I love my job?but, am I allowed to say I love playing with my ponies, all day, a wee little bit more?? I feel like a kid let out for summer vacation, soon to be heading to the most exciting camp in the world.? I can’t wait to get to Gladstone and start riding and training with my fellow teammates.? I feel we have a great team.? Everyone has good horses and is hungry for those coveted top spots.? Everyone has been training and working hard.? There are many fabulous teams that will be in London, and many great riders I can’t wait to watch.? We Americans are sometimes seen as a little bit of an underdog, but I am looking forward to working hard and learning what we can produce! GO TEAM USA!