American Mammoth Jack Registry
Information about the Mammoth Jack, as well as registration details and a listing of breeders.
International Miniature Donkey Registry
Registration information, breed standards and information about miniature donkeys.
American Miniature Horse Association
The complete information source for all aspects of owning, showing, breeding and training Miniature Horses, along with some of the most adorable photos on the Net!
American Miniature Horse Registry
This breed association Web site provides valuable information on the American Shetland and the Miniature Horse Registry.
International Falabella Miniature Horse Association
Falabella Miniature Horses are said to have originated on the South American Pampas and are now very popular in the UK and Europe. This site includes husbandry information and lots more.
Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Breed Association
Information about this comfortable and versatile breed with a listing of the regional associations and a calendar of events.
Morab Horse Association and Register
MHA is an open, member-run association formed to protect and preserve the purebred Morab and striving to protect breed standards. Find membership information and details of awards programs, as well as farm tours and horses for sale.
International Morab Breeders Association
IMBA is a full-service Morab breed association and registry for owners of Morabs and Half-Morabs. IMBA is devoted to the promotion and enjoyment of Morab horses.
Purebred Morab Horse Association
Information about the PMHA, including registration information and a directory of breeders, as well as details about the breed Futurity and National Awards Programs.
American Morgan Horse Association
This breed association Web site is full of information about this lovely, versatile breed. Learn about the characteristics of the breed and about the American Morgan Horse Register.
Morgan Single-Footing Horse Association
Breed association Web site promoting registered Morgan horses who exhibit an additional, four-beat, gait. This site includes membership information, photo albums and member news.
Mountain Pleasure Horse Association
Information about the Mountain Pleasure Horse, including the difference between it and the Rocky Mountain Horse. Also includes Association information, events and more.
New Forest Pony Association and Registry
The official web site of the New Forest Pony Association and Registry, with information and applications for the Registry and a history of the association.
Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
The official Web site of the Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry. This site gives information on breed standards, how to join the registry, a breeding farm directory and some wonderful photographs.
Oldenburg Horse Breeders Society
Information on the Oldenburg horse, stallion inspections, horses for sale, auctions and more.
American Paint Horse Association
This official breed association Web site includes a breed history, membership information, regional club information and news.
Palomino Horse Breeders of America
This site is full of information on the latest show news and standings. You can also download registration forms in Adobe Acrobat format here.
Paso Fino Horse Association
This informative page aims to bring you historical and general information on the Paso Fino. You’ll also find membership and registration information and forms.
International Pattern Sport Horse Registry
Patterned sport horses carrying the LP and Patn genes are registered here.
Percheron Horse Association of America
Learn about the history of these noble animals, get information about the association and see some photographs.
Pinto Horse Assocation of America
Here you will find information on their special programs as well as membership and registration information.
American Quarter Horse Association
Breed association Web site including information about the American Quarter Horse, rider programs, calendar of events and news.
American Quarter Horse Association – UK
Dedicated to promoting the American Quarter Horse in the UK, this site has general information about the breed and it’s history, as well as stallions standing at stud and horses for sale in the United Kingdom.
Foundation Quarter Horse Association
Official Web site of the Foundation Quarter Horse Association. Includes registration requirements, show information and more.
New Jersey Quarter Horse Association
Information about NJQHA members and horses, programs, shows and more.
American Quarter Pony Association
Information about the versatile Quarter Pony, registration requirements and application. There is also information about the Awards programs available to registered ponies.