Top50 Ranches offers idea-stumped guys the ultimate guide to choosing the perfect Valentine?s gift (the one she really wants).

Forget that box of chocolates ? come on, a little imagination here. Ignore that necklace you saw ? trust us, she won’t like it. And really, that oversized teddy bear all men seem to think girls love..? She threw away her childhood collection of soft toys for a reason. Instead, give her something on Valentine?s Day that she’ll remember forever ? a once-in-a-lifetime experience you can remind her of every time you argue. Yup, bring out the ?romantic dude ranch vacation? card and you’ll have the last word every time. The bonus? You get to go on vacation and unleash that inner John Wayne that’s always lurked beneath the surface…
?So, where do I start??, obviously. Instead of blindly tapping ‘romantic dude ranch vacations’ into Google and trawling through thousands of results, simply type ‘romance’ into the search box on the Top50 homepage and the very best romantic ranch retreats will appear.
?I’ve narrowed it down ? where next?? Now it’s time to get to the specifics ? and this is where a bit of research comes in handy. Find out (discretely, now) what kind of level a horseback rider she is. Although most ranches cater for all levels, if she’s particularly keen or advanced and wouldn’t mind getting stuck into some real cowgirl stuff, you’ll earn serious brownie points by taking her to a working ranch. Somewhere like Burnt Well Guest Ranch in New Mexico, or Zapata Ranch in Colorado where she’ll get the opportunity to ride with bison. Trust us, it’s neat.
?I think she’d prefer pampering…? Then make sure you look at the ranches listing ‘luxury dude ranch’ under their headings, as these are likely to have super-luxurious spa facilities. If she’s a slave to the hot tub and won’t step out the door without perfectly manicured nails, we’ll bet she’ll love the treatments and facilities offered by the likes of Canada guest ranch Echo Valley Ranch and Spa, and Montana dude ranches The Ranch at Rock Creek and The Resort at Paws Up.
?Oh, and she’s a die-hard romantic.? Then you should definitely consider Triple Creek Ranch in Montana, which has been rated #1 for romance. Wine and dine her at the Chef’s Table, enjoy candlelit dinners and moonlight strolls, and watch romantic movies under the stars. You can even have your own private cabin complete with a welcoming bottle of wine and basket of goodies. You’ll be in her good books with this one.
?I’m actually thinking of proposing…? Good work! In that case we recommend a suitably dramatic location in which to pop the question. There’s nothing like a breathtaking view of the wilderness to bowl a girl over ? trust us, she won’t be able to say no. We recommend Rancho Los Banos in Mexico, Estancia Ranquilco in Argentina, and Canada dude ranches Siwash Lake Ranch and Clayoquot Wilderness Resort for particularly stunning backdrops. And if you’re really in a hurry to get that ring on her finger, Three Bars Ranch in Canada caters for weddings.
Well guys, we hope that’s cleared up at least some of the confusion over Valentine’s Day gifts. And because she deserves only the best, you can sleep well knowing that all Top50 ranches have been personally and thoroughly vetted to ensure quality. That’s our promise ? now act out yours and book that romantic ranch vacation today!
For more information, advice and to book that romantic ranch vacation, visit or email the team at