Do you need more ground work lessons to improve your horsemanship?
Gain respect from your horse on the ground with Clinton Anderson’s Ground Work: Tried and True Horse-Training Methods and form a stronger partnership with your horse.
Redemption for an uncooperative mare arrived in the unexpected form of a natural horsemanship-training gift to the mare’s owner: Free tickets to a Downunder Horsemanship clinic featuring Clinton Anderson.
The owner, Anne, circled the Downunder Horsemanship date on her calendar, packed up her daughter to go along and drove an hour away to the Clinton Anderson horsemanship clinic, held in Fort Collins, Colo.
From the moment she saw horse trainer Clinton Anderson step into the arena with his mare, Mindy, Anne says she was hooked on the idea of natural horsemanship. Mindy was sweet and responsive—and from the way she interacted with Clinton Anderson, she clearly had total respect for the horseman.
“I need to learn how to be the boss,” she said to herself, and so she got to work. She bought a Downunder Horsemanship halter, lead rope, and training stick and became a member of the Downunder Horsemanship No Worries club. She then started doing groundwork with her mare, Serena, so she would respect her both on the ground and under saddle—just like Clinton Anderson said she would.
Within months, she said, Serena was a different mare—no longer crow hopping, no longer pushy, no longer the hot, reactive, moody mare she had been. One day, as she and Anne ambled along on a trail ride, a woman who used to board at Anne’s barn passed the pair and said in amazement, “Is that Serena? She’s so quiet now! Did you hire a horse trainer?”
Anne laughed as she gave her answer. “Clinton Anderson,” she said.
To learn from Clinton Anderson yourself, download our guide HERE.