Understanding Dressage Saddle Fit: Asymmetry

horse. Our general methodology in working with horses would also seem to underline the affinity we have with the left side of the horse. We lead on the left, we…

Condition Your Trail Horse

…begin: First, groom your horse. Grooming stimulates circulation and allows you to check over your horse’s entire body to see whether anything is abnormal. Then outfit your horse in good-fitting…

Controlling Movement (Part I)

…to be alert, attentive and confident in order to learn effectively. Becoming the best horseman or horsewoman you can be enables your horse to become their best. Shaping our horse’s…

The Groundwork Waltz

…work, you gain more control of your horse. It improves any horse’s behavior in all areas. It can be a foundation to teach your horse to lead better, perform better…

How to Catch a Runaway Horse

…the horse you want to catch. We’re used to thinking of horses as coming directly toward us, but that’s unlikely, especially in the case of a horse who doesn’t want…

Feeding for weight gain

…flies. Horses can expend huge amounts of energy stomping, shaking and running away from pests like horseflies. If biting flies are a problem in your area, protecting your horse with…

20 Questions About Your New Horse

…wrestle her into my own two-horse straight load, I hitched a ride for her with friends who had a six-horse slant load and the horsemanship skills to encourage her full…

Seven Things to Teach Your Trail Horse

horse’s world turn upside down while ambling down the trail. 6.Teach your horse to: Maintain his independence from other horses. If your horse is friendly with his herdmates, that’s fine….