7 Things to Teach Your Trail Horse

…your horse overreacts. “I see this happen a lot. A horse in the group becomes animated and starts bossing other horses around, and someone’s horse explodes as a result,” says…

When to worry about coughs

horse away from the others.” A coughing horse with a respiratory illness can easily spread it to other herdmates. After moving the horse, be sure to wash up and maybe…

Finding the Right New Owner

…trainers, farriers, and interested horse people. If you have a show horse, take the flyer to horse shows and distribute it to anyone you think might be interested, including professionals….

EQUUS Special Report: Why Soring Persists

…Protection Commission Kentucky Walking Horse Association Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Breed Association, Inc. National Horse Show Commission National Walking Horse Association Spotted Saddle Horse Breeders and Exhibitors Association Western International…

Horse Clinic Cafeteria

…own horse, and review how and why they should work. Be your horse’s advocate. If someone rides your horse in a way that’s unsuitable, don’t hesitate to ask him or…

Don’t Chase Your Loose Horse

…lead his horse slowly toward the loose horse so that the loose horse can buddy up. • If the horse wants to leave the group anyway, turn and leave him….