Trailer Spruce-Up Tips

You’ll need to tune up your trailer for this season’s towing needs, whether or not you’ve used your trailer during winter months. A well-maintained trailer will be safer for both…

Stolen Horse Trailer Tips

While at a horse show this summer, I went to retrieve my horse trailer in the parking lot, only to realize that it was not there. It was, quite simply,…

Safe Travels with Baby

It’s a long way from Lincoln, California, where I fit my halter horses, to any of the weanling futurities or the AQHA World Championship Show. Traveling safely with a weanling…

Quick Horse Trailer Clean Up

photo © Kate Light The horses are fed, watered and settled in for the night after a long road trip, and the last thing you want to do is clean…

Take Caution at Wintry Intersections

Have you noticed that traffic signals are looking a little different these days? What you’re seeing is the effort to save money and energy. Cities across the United States are…

Used-Trailer Buying Checklist

Are you in the market for a used trailer? The best way to weed out the lemons is to focus on evaluating the trailers themselves using a methodical approach. Use…

Special Report: Keep on Hauling

July 15, 2008 It’s summer at last, and you’re ready to trailer your horses across the country to the big rodeos and ride the unknown trail. But wait…can you afford…

Getting Properly Hitched

You’re considering towing your horses. One of the most confusing and scary aspects of this adventure is the myriad kinds of trailer hitches available to buy. It might seem like…

Prevent Trailer Theft

It’s a familiar scenario. You and your horse have been out on the trail for hours, riding up hills, wading in streams, and trotting through gulleys. When the day is…

Travelling with Horses

As any parent can tell you, a road trip with a 2 year old is no picnic. There’s all the stuff you have to pack: pampers, playthings, car seats, DVDs,…