Don`t Feed A Weanling Like A Steer

…growth, tending to produce large, and fat, yearlings that appeal to halter judges and sales-ring buyers. As an outgrowth of this heavy grain feeding, manufacturers developed feeds that would deliver…

Smart Feeding Tips

feed. l. There are so many different types of commercial feeds available nowadays. How can I ever decide what’s best for my horse? Dr. Judy: To simplify the decision-making process,…

Feed Wisely: 5 Rules

…on a dry lot full-time, feed small amounts four times a day. If that’s not possible, consider providing hay in slow-feed hay nets to make feeding time take longer. Rule…

Feeding for weight gain

…to get him gaining weight again. In addition, the pain of arthritis can interfere with a horse’s feed intake by preventing him from walking to hay feeders or covering enough…

This Feeder Gets It Right

…can’t match. We believe the Natural Feeder is a comfortable way to slow feed hay. Like you, we’ve seen all types of homemade hay feeding devices for horses. It seems…

Horse Feed Quality

…to special order the feed or if it has a limited market (e.g. an expensive senior feed). Feeds that are big sellers in a particular area turn over quickly and…

Horse Feed: What’s in It?

These days, commercial feeds can contain a lot more than just alfalfa meal and cereal grains, and looking at feed-tag ingredients lists can be confusing. We asked equine nutritionist Clair…

Buying Prepared Horse Feed

…to certain ingredients. By contrast, the cost of premium feeds may change, but the ingredients remain exactly the same. Figure out the formulation. Sweet feed, pellets, or extruded feed? Here’s…