Safety Rules for Kids Around Horses

Worried about keeping small children safe around the barn? Here’s a comprehensive set of safety rules for handling and riding horses, especially slanted for kids. Safety on the Ground Approaching,…

Kids and Dressage Breeds

I am in my annual countdown toward Lendon Gray?s Youth Dressage Festival, which will be held this weekend in Saugerties NY.? There will be over 300 kids.? it’s a huge…

Saddle Shopping For Kids

kids. If the stirrup leathers are set on deep bars or on a non-release bar, we recommend safety stirrups, such as peacock stirrups (see November 2002 for English stirrups and…

Book Review: Kids Riding With Confidence

kids can understand. In simple language and illustrations, the authors show how horses use body language to “speak” and how young riders can listen and respond while grooming, leading, tacking…

Married with Horses: Kids These Days

Our kids grow up so fast these days. They’re moving faster into life than I remember doing myself–in every respect. I don’t know where the time goes. Justin had gotten…

The Mustang Troop

…he recalls. “New kids are still sort of scared, but very determined to learn. And the confidence level overall has risen tremendously. Many of the kids are quite talented. I…