Tennuvian Horse Breed

…and their abilities,” she says. “They’re fast learners and great family horses. When guests need a horse for their kids, we often put them on guided rides aboard a Tennuvian.”…

Gaited Pony Breed

…right out of the saddle on a trotting horse,” Robison says. “Imagine how much easier for them to learn on a Gaited Pony. And ponies aren’t just for kids; they’re…

Azteca Horse Breed

…makes them excel on the trail or in shows. [They do well with] 4-H kids, people just starting out with horses, and experienced riders.” On the trail: Rita Greslin-Ricard has…

Trail Riding Take-Alongs

…plains or in the forest. Even seasoned trail horses are occasionally surprised by wildlife, bicycles, kids with kites, barking dogs, and other chance encounters. Does this mean you should avoid…