Senior Horse Hearing Check

…highest wavelengths of an urgent whinny. If your senior horse is hearing-impaired, his ability to hear high-frequency sounds will be the first to suffer, particularly if they?re soft. Here’s a…

2011 Dressage Tests

…USDF writes Introductory tests, and these are mainly used at schooling show. Whinny Widgets sells laminated copies and booklets of the dressage tests. While all the patterns in the USEF…

Married with Horses: Love and Sacrifice

…three. I’m sure all four were whinnying because they were excited to go out, but it sure sounded like laughter to me. And it seemed Madison had fit in rather…

Doesn`t Like To Be Alone

…their handler or rider, and be safe, but some degree of whinnying, or looking politely around, can be ignored, rather than punished. For an anxious type, harsh punishment when they’re…

Married with Horses: Kids These Days

…gotten Mandy into her old foaling stall before Justin began to whinny. Mandy whinnied back. “What are you doing?” I asked. “He was weaned months ago!” “I can’t help it!”…

Star Quality

…will retire to the breeding shed and live out his days whinnying sweet nothings to a series of mares. When the sun sets on their breeding career, many ?pensioned? stallions…