Letters: 11/00

…This fire was set by an arsonist, who was caught. Most of those animals were owned by families and kids. -Cpl.Laura Teeple NYC Parks Enforcement Mounted ———- Tail Rubbing I…

U.S. Team Ready for 2008 Paralympic Games

…skiing accident. She represented the USA at the 2004 Athens Paralympic Games, winning a silver medal in the individual freestyle competition. From Coppell, Texas, Seidemann has two kids, ages 11…

Is The Problem Really Fear’

…everyday life continues to get more hectic and demanding. Parents are carting kids to four different events at the same time. Even grocery shopping is becoming more complicated with far…

Farrier-Friendly Horses

…to stand in the stocks beforehand. Training the Owner Sometimes horse owners need a quick course in Horse Manners 101. Horses are like kids-they need consistent discipline and enforced limits….

Postcard: 2008 Hampton Classic

…their alleged retirement. I asked Tony if he missed being involved with the show, and he told me, “I miss it the way you miss your kids when they leave…

Wipe Your Tack With Lexol

…helpful if you run a riding school or a camp and depend on kids to care for your tack, so you don’t have to worry about too much water in…

Pre-Purchase Exams

…have to guard against.” For instance, he frequently examines horses that are intended for excited kids desperate to buy their potential Pegasus. Naturally, Werner’s examination finds a problem, and the…

The Hoofjack Holds Up

…heavily while you work on his hoof, and lengthy tasks like removing snowballs. It’s especially helpful for smaller horseowners (especially with larger horses), and for easily teaching kids to properly…