Anhidrosis in Horses

Many horse owners have wished that their horses would sweat less. It would certainly help keep our mounts and tack cleaner. However, sweat plays a vital role in our horses’…

Trail Riding Advice

…Pay more attention to your horse than to the other horses. You can’t control someone else’s horse, but you can control yours. The more out of control another horse gets…

Ranch Horse Versatility

… American Paint Horse Association: American Quarter Horse Association: Rocky Mountain Quarter Horse Association: Southern Stockhorse Association: Ranch Horse Association of America: Stock Horse of…

Horse & Rider 2003 Articles Index

…lesson horse, Horseman’s Handbook, April, pg. 36 Mounting up correctly, Trailwise, June, pg. 96 Playtime for a mouthy horse, Inner Horse, Oct., pg. 86 Reaction to dog whistle, Inner Horse,…

Refining Your Leadership

…in areas that include young or troubled horses, as well as horsemanship that emphasize the mind and behavior of the horse. Her instruction reflects her passion for equipping both horses…

How to Pony with Confidence

Simply put, ponying means to lead a horse alongside the horse you’re riding. On the trail, ponying comes in handy when training a new horse. As the ponied horse’s herd…