Roarers: Weigh Your Options

…(“voice box”). It’s a distinctive sound heard when the horse breathes in, rarely audible at rest but getting louder the heavier the horse breathes, e.g. with exercise. The noise is…

Ask Horse Journal: 11/05

…trees dangerous to horses’ There is one growing near the fence line. I like the shade, but I worry my horses could get to the berries. The roots of mulberry…

Navicular Or Heel Pain’

…tendency for veterinarians to label any horse with pain in the heel area a navicular horse and treat them all the same way. What Is It’ Before you can even…

The Truth About Swaybacks

…truly startling to behold, the affected horse functions as though he or she were normally conformed. Swayback can occur in old horses as soft-tissue attachments slacken and muscle loses tone….

Chris Cox: Bridging Your Reins

…clinics and produces “Chris Cox Horsemanship” for RFD-TV from his home base, the Outback Ranch in Mineral Wells, Texas. This article originally appeared in the July 2005 issue of Horse

Tell `Em To Quitt!

…to the eyes and the respiratory tract of both humans and the horses. Bottom Line We included a variety of breeds and ages in our trials. Some horses were in…

Bulletin Board: 05/02

…can treat up to three 1,250-pound horses. This will be useful to consumers with multiple horses or those with large horses that require a bigger dose. The economical Horse Health…