Eel Stripe: A continuous stripe of black or brown hair from neck to tail. Seen in horses of “primitive” breeding, such as the Exmoor and the Norwegian Fjord and is often seen in dun-colored horses. (Also called Dorsal Stripe)
EIA: Equine Infectious Anemia. Viral disease for which there is no known cure or vaccine. Also known as Swamp Fever. See also Coggins Test.
Engagement: The hindlegs are engaged when they are brought well under the body.
Entire: Uncastrated male horse. (Also called Stallion)
EPM: Equine Protozoal Myleoencephalitis. Neurological disorder caused by a protozoa which invades the spinal cord, causing a variety of symptoms attributed to nerve damage – stumbling, loss of coordination, muscle atrophy, etc.
EPSM: Equine Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy. Muscle wasting condition seen in Draft horses and other breeds.
Equine Infectious Anemia: Viral disease for which there is no known cure or vaccine. Also known as EIA or Swamp Fever. See also Coggins Test.
Equitation: The art of horse riding.
Ergot: Horny growth at the back of the fetlock joint.
Ewe Neck: Conformation fault in which the neck appears to be “upside down”, concave along it’s upper edge with a consequent bulging of muscles along the lower edge.
Eventing: Equestrian competition held over one or three days and including the disciplines of dressage, cross country and show jumping. Also known as Combined Training
Exmoor Pony: One of the nine breeds of horse or pony native to the British Isles. Originating in the Exmoor region of southwest England.
Extension: The extension of the paces is the lengthening of the frame and stride. The opposite of collection.
Extravagant Action: High knee and hock action such as that seen in the Hackney and the Saddlebred.
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